Thursday, March 11, 2010

Car Sharing, Congestion Charge, and Mesh Network

Robin Chase, an MIT-trained entrepreneur who turned her car sharing concept into reality, with her Zipcar business.

The Window of Opportunity will end soon, efficient fuel cars are not the solution as it will only reduce our fossil fuel needs by four percent.

Idea of Road Pricing, imposing a cost on people who drive cars, as the real cost of driving cars is under priced, and taking into consideration all the negative externalities, from pollution, road maintenance, etc.

A great example she mentioned was Ken Livingstone, London's Mayor, who introduced a congestion charge with the purpose of reducing traffic congestion in central London.

Sharing cars and especially car pooling becomes an act of a social event, where people could get together and share their ride, transforming the idea of traveling.

Here is the full Ted Lecture:
Robin Chase on Zipcar and her next big idea | Video on

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